Monday 11 July 2011

Ancestors on the Mountains

Picking up from where I left off explaining about the similarities of Maoritanga (Maori traditions, customs and beliefs) and Christianity, is not something that I have just randomly picked out of the air.
In 2004 I had one of the toughest times of my life.
My partner at the time, Richard Nigel Allen, had been battling cancer for going on his fifth year. (Which was a celebration really because the Quack had told him he only had six months to live.)
The story of Richard (or Rick as he liked to be known) is quite amazing, however I will leave this for another blog.
On September the 28th of that year he passed away, and the following months would be some of the closest I had with God. The year previously we had both been baptised at Liberty Church in Whakatane, and so by this time I was deep into my faith.
When Rick died I had been seeking answers about who I was.
It made me realise that life was too short, and you only had this lifetime to do all the things that you want to do, so if you want to do it, sort it out and do it now!
But anyway, one night, I was bawling my eyes out. You see, when I would mourn it would be when no one was around to see me, but when I would face people, I would be strong.
But in my own privacy the room would be covered in tissues, I’d have puffy eyes, and I’d whimper for hours on end, wondering why God had taken him from me?
So on this night of my bawling, I fell asleep and God presented me with what I believe to be a very spiritual and deep revelation for Te Iwi Maori. (The Maori People)
Now this dream is not your ordinary type of dream.            It seems at times in my life, I have dreams (just like my visitation dreams) that are a little out of the ordinary where I have an outer body experience. Almost like my soul is travelling.
On this particular night (and many other nights, I might add) I was asleep, (yet awake) while I was receiving the information. What in the world does she mean you’re asking? Well I was writing and dreaming at the same time. I was recording on paper every little thing that the Lord was revealing to me. (This I do quite often.)
 In the morning when I wake up and read it and I say, “Did I write that?”.
But don’t worry folks I am wide awake while writing this.
Here was the first thing that was revealed to me spoken by the Lord, that made an impression on my heart.
The Lord said, “ soon our people (Maori) will be taken out of bondage and that they will have returned what was once taken from them.”
But first, in order for this to happen, they needed to “submit to the Lord Jesus Christ, as their God and Saviour, and then they shall be set free from the heavy burdens upon them.”
The Lord also revealed to me that this was strongly connected to Te Tiriti O Waitangi, because that document was signed under the oath and name of the Lord Jesus Christ and that the only way, for Maori to be set free was to “accept Jesus Christ’s name, and to accept Jesus Christ as the Sovereign Lord over all other gods.”
Now this stuff is really hitting deep. Can you imagine what I  thought when I woke up?
I have never shared this with anyone, so it must be the right time to let others know.
The Lord also gave me a scripture: Exodus CH34 v 27
“Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel”
In this instance the Lord was referring to me in the place where Moses’ name appears and Maori in place of Israel.
If there is one thing we need to understand it is that God makes scriptures relevant to us, and relevant to the situations we are going through.
Now, in 2011, I see that this has begun to come to pass.
Destiny Church hosted four Maori MP’s just over a month ago.
This was a very important step for our people.
Hone Harawira, Shane Jones, Tau Henare, and Pita Sharples all attended the service.
They all basked in the presence of the Lord, and heard songs of praise and worship being sung unto Him. They heard the word of God preached, and they saw the living proof of so many lives that had been touched by the Holy Spirit and by the power of God. Even Kingi Tuheitia looked like he was enjoying himself.
This is vital to the change and progression of the Maori people, and it is through the obedience of Brian and Hannah Tamaki to the Lord that this event took place. Although there is always some type of controversy surrounding “the Tamaki’s” and “their church”,  (by the media and also by  other groups) my belief is that they are working together for the good of our people and that is all that should matter. And it is obviously of God because he continues to bless them over and over again.
Of all the MP’s present, I noticed that while being prayed over Hone Harawira was the only one who had shut his eyes and at that very time, was receiving God’s anointing.
God has chosen Hone for a very special purpose, and I have seen a change in Hone through consecutive events, and through witnessing his victory of the by-election .
Here’s the thing , by Hone closing his eyes, his eyes were actually awakened, by the Lord. The eyes of his heart and the eyes of his spirit.
I congratulated Hone on his Facebook page the evening I witnessed that, I was very proud of him. Of them all.
Being a descendant of Te Taitokerau I know he is going to be a positive influence on our people for years to come, especially if he yields to God’s call.
Furthermore, the Lord showed me (in 2004) various aspects which cross-reference Biblically to Maori.
The first of these is the Mountains.
Maori believe that their Mountains are Tapu, significant and hold great power.
Jesus understood and knew this very well.
Prove it! Okay here it is,
Mark ch 9 v 2-3: After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high Mountain, where they were alone. There he was transfigured before them. His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them.
You see, Jesus knew that the Mountains are a Holy place. They are a place to be cleansed and they are a place of prayer.
The rest of that scripture also confirms another reason that the Maori hold our Maunga (Mountains) to be sacred. It is the dwelling place of our ancestors, and when one makes the journey of climbing the mountain, very often it is of a spiritual significance.
Verse 4 says: And there appeared before them was Elijah and Moses who were talking with Jesus.
Moses and Elijah were Jesus’ Tupuna, his ancestors, and through the Lord they appeared to him, to strengthen him and give messages and instructions, of things unfinished.
After all, at that time Jesus was a man, and he would have needed some type of confirmation, God used Tupuna as a means of cross communication, which is very similar to the events that I have been experiencing.
To understand the rest of this I will not explain it, instead I will encourage you to get out your bible, (no matter what version, Good News, NIV, King James, whatever it is) and have a look for yourself in the chapter of Mark.
Well that should be enough for you to chew on at this point. Next blog I will be looking at Moana (Water) and why it was special to the Maori, my Tupuna and my Lord.
No reira, nga mihi nui kia koutou katoa!
Copyright © Chemline-My 2011

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