Sunday 3 July 2011

Nga Tapuwae aa Oku Tupuna.

In life I believe  that we are responsible for carrying on the work that has been left for us by our ancestors. For without them we would not be here. I myself have always stood in awe of some of my ancestors, and quite often stand in awe of other peoples ancestors. Perhaps it is the depth of spirituality that one can delve into before one reaches enlightenment to fully grasp this very fully fledged intrinsic concept.
I was brought up in a family where we were expected to respect all things spiritual.
I remember as a child, returning back to one of our home Marae (ancestral meeting places) and being told not to go to the house that was half burnt down because it was tapu.
Tapu? What is tapu I thought?
My grandmother told me it means something is very sacred and should not be tampered with. You see for the Maori we believe that everything has a spiritual life force, even the stones beneath our feet, have a purpose and reason for being here.
Almost a year ago I began to have spiritual dreams, which were more like visitations, from my ancestors who send me messages, and ask me to carry out tasks that were not finished during their lifetime. At first I thought, am I going nuts?
But after a discussion about it with Tribal elders I came to the understanding that this gift already exists in our genealogical lines, and therefore I am only fulfilling the duties of which I have been born to accomplish.
Over my time of blogging, I wish to share with you all some of my most amazing experiences, some have not yet happened. I would also like to share with you some of the rich history of my ancestors, hoping that it will bring to you inspiration for your journey ahead in life.
No reira, e nga mana, e nga reo , e nga hau e wha, nga mihi, nga mihi kia koutou katoa!

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